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Strategic Marketing Plan - Focal Point

3 Things to Help Engage Your Creativity

Most of us are stress junkies. Especially if we run a company or own a business. It goes along with a fast-paced life.

Stress gives us a rush and makes us temporarily more alert, which in turn, helps us achieve a high productivity level. But this stressed state of mind is not only temporary, but also very left-brained.READ MORE

Go for it! Trust your Idea.

Whether you are a brilliant entrepreneur, businessperson, author, architect, brain surgeon, or technical advisor, it doesn’t matter how brilliant and gifted you are if your work doesn’t get written, coded, built, created, or used in some fashion.

If you have a brilliant idea, but it remains an idea, what’s holding you back?

Stop daydreaming, planning, and procrastinating. Stop worrying about perfection, funding or selling your idea.

Push it forward without hesitation. Talk to trusted advisors. Find out what it would cost to build and market. Take the plunge! It’s the only way to find out if your idea has traction.

And along those lines, talk to us. We have quite a few success stories on how to get the word out about new concepts and products – locally, nationally, and internationally.



Well, Fall is officially upon us and Winter is fast approaching. You know what this means – the holidays are quickly approaching as is the end of the year.  Yep, I said it; 2016 is coming to a close and 2017 will be here before we know it.  It seems like October is that magical month when businesses take a long hard look at what they’ve accomplished throughout the year, what they can wrap up in the last few months and begin planning for the new year.  So today I wanted to follow that up by sharing with you some of the questions that every business should be considering this year as it relates to a marketing strategy.



What Are Our Big Wins So Far This Year?

Think about the first 9 months.  What are the 3-4 big wins that stand out to you?  Maybe it’s a big deal that you closed or a social media marketing campaign that was very well received.  What did you accomplish that helped you or your business move closer to where you want to be?  Whatever it was, take a moment to think about why it was successful.  All too often, we get caught up in the day-to-day stuff and forget to take a step back to evaluate things.  And I’ve got news for you, if you don’t get this done in October there’s no way it’s happening in November or December.  We all know how crazy that time of the year can get, so take the time to search for those golden nuggets NOW and learn from them.

Where Did We Come Up Short?

No doubt, there will be some areas over your overall marketing plan or business strategy where you’ve fallen a bit short.  It’s much easier and more beneficial to identify those things now rather than at the end of the year.  Let me cover that again, think about and begin dealing with your shortcomings NOW rather than at the end of the year.  Sometimes we get too caught up in moving forward forward forward, that we forget to look back at things we might be able to easily fix now.  Maybe earlier in the year you were working on a website redesign and rushed things a bit when it came to the content development convincing yourself you’d come back to it later in the year.  Well, now’s that time.  Or perhaps you were thinking about getting some commercial photography work done for your new product line to update your online catalog, but just didn’t get around to it.   It’s important to identify these things now, and I will tell you why on my next point.

How Will You Make the Most of the Next 3 Months?

After taking a step back to look at your big wins and places where you fell short, think about how these things fit in with what’s left of your 2016 marketing plan.  What can you learn from these successes and setbacks so far to make the most of where you’re going next?  Your answers to these questions my change the plan moving forward.  Perhaps your original marketing budget didn’t have enough built in for social media marketing or hadn’t taken into consideration the benefits you might get from producing an online video to follow up with the one you rolled out in quarter 2 that was so successful.  While it’s always important to stay on budget, where you allocate that budget needs to always be open for review and discussion especially this late into the year.  And I’ll tell you one thing – doing things the same way you have always done them in the past is a recipe for getting left in the dust of your competition.  In other words, just because you spent X on a TV commercial or radio ad last year around the holidays and included that same budget this year doesn’t mean it’s in your best interest.

What’s The Plan for 2017?

Now that you’ve taken some time to look at the first 3/4 of the year and make sure you’re on the right track for the last quarter, it’s time to turn your attention to next year.  The good news is that by answering the first 3 questions, it will make building out your 2017 marketing strategy much easier.  Start by visualizing where you want your business to be at the beginning of the new year.  Let’s say the New Year starts off with a bang and everything is going great – what does that picture look like for your company?  Now, ask yourself that same thing about the end of the year next year.  Next it’s time to work backwards – what do you need to do to connect the dots from the most successful year beginning to the most successful year end?  Identify the mini-goals that need to be achieved along the way so you have nice, bite-sized chunks to tackle one at a time.  If you’re in the right business, answering these questions is sure to get you excited for new year.  After all, there’s no reason why it can’t be your best yet.

Answer These Questions NOW

I am going to wrap things up by echoing what I said earlier.  NOW is the time to answer these questions. I say this for 3 simple reasons:

1. It’s not too late to get back on track even if 2016 isn’t finishing the way you had hoped.

2. It’s never too early to start planning for the new year.

3. End of year/holiday craziness will soon ensue.

Need help with your strategic marketing plan?  Here’s how we can help.


Use Video Brochures to Make A Presentation Unlike Any Other.

How do you break through the clutter of the competition? This is a question we all ponder at one point or another.

In an attempt to answer this question, many marketers will say content, content, content. But what happens when it all just becomes noise?

You need a way to reach people, leave your mark and make an impression they’ll never forget. It’s not just about producing content, it’s the right content at the right time using the right medium. That’s why you need to give video brochures a try.

Focal Point Offering Video Brochures

Focal Point is now offering video brochure solutions to our clients because we see the value and the vision behind it. We understand where the marketplace is headed and believe video brochures can be impactful for sales, marketing, recruiting, training, branding, motivating, fundraising, sharing testimonials, and more.

Engaging people with both visual and audio elements through video brochures goes a long way in making it to the next step – whether that be earning a follow up appointment or bringing top talent to your team. With video brochures, recipients are able to hold, watch and listen to a company controlled message in the ideal way without a salesperson having to be present. Simply put, when done correctly video brochures can do a lot of the heavy lifting for you.

How Video Brochures Work

For the recipient – all they have to do is open it. That’s it. Just open it and they can experience the video as you intended.

For the producer – it’s a matter of creating a video, selecting a design and simply loading your video into the brochure. All stuff we can assist you with here at Focal Point.

They are completely rechargeable and reusable, meaning you can update the video as needed to match your latest marketing message. Additionally, they don’t use any complicated technology so there’s no need to worry about the video crashing. And finally, video brochures work with a Mac or PC making them very versatile for different file types.

Why Video Brochures?

Video Brochures give you a leave behind or presentation supplement that doesn’t get forgotten/thrown away. Analytic reports show viewers are sharing them with their co-workers, and most importantly, decision makers.

Whether you’re trying to win “the war in mailboxes,” secure a follow up meeting or simply reach people in a way that’s more affordable and effective than TV – video brochures could be the missing piece to your marketing puzzle.
Focal Point & Video Brochures

When working with clients, we were able to see how video brochures fit into their marketing strategies time and time again. By having the ability to produce video content for our customers, while also being about to coordinate the design presentation and functionality of delivering video brochures – adding this service just made perfect sense. It’s essentially an extension of what we are already doing for many customers, just packaged in a new, highly powerful way.

Contact Us

Considering a video brochure? We’d love to have a conversation about how this service could work for your business. Just take a moment to contact us online today!