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Web Design

Web Design


You know how important a good website design it to your business.

You understand that it can, and should, reflect and enhance your brand image. The best website designs do more than just look good.  They’re built with a clear online marketing strategy in mind to achieve specific business objectives. So isn’t it time you focus on making your website marketing efforts as effective as they should be?

Responsive Design (Mobile Friendly)


Is your Website Mobile Friendly?Responsive Web Design Focal Point Marketing


A responsive design means your website and your brand are being represented properly on mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, as well as on a desktop.  A responsive design detects the type of device accessing your site and displays the site accordingly.  This ensures the visitors experience has brand consistency across multiple devices.

Google made recent changes regarding how they view sites that are not mobile friendly.  As a result, if your website is not mobile friendly your site will be downgraded from a search ranking standpoint, meaning your business may rank lower than others with mobile friendly sites.

Is your brand represented well on every device?  Businesses who aren’t thinking about this question are getting blindsided everyday when they realize that 30% – 40% of their website traffic is coming from smartphones.  And another 8% – 10% from tablets .  All at once they realize that beautiful website design isn’t exactly user friendly for the majority of their potential customers. We live in a multi-device world.  We watch TV with our iPhone in hand.  We regularly switch from PC to tablet throughout the day.  If a potential customer views your site from their desktop at work, gets distracted and comes back later that night from a smartphone – will the experience be consistent?  It’s no longer a choice.  Responsive website design is here to stay and the customer experience MUST be consistent or sales and leads will be lost.  End of story.

Need help designing a responsive website?  Please contact us today to talk.

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Branding, Graphic Design, Web Design, Photography



Branding, Web Design, Content Marketing