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Using content marketing efficiently to increase ROI

SEO-Content Marketing Strategy - Focal Point Marketing

Using content marketing efficiently to increase ROI

No doubt you’ve got questions about using content marketing to generate income for your business – as efficiently as possible. That’s what it’s all about, especially right now when marketing budgets are tight.  

At Focal Point, we get it. That’s why we aren’t trying to dazzle you with our savvy grasp of the latest in social marketing, or tech analytics.We’re here to help you grab Responsive Web Design Focal Point Marketingand hold the attention of potential clients for the sole purpose of helping you gain more business. That’s it.

So, how is content marketing different from marketing? Instead of pulling together sales materials to “pitch” your clients into working with you, content marketing is all about providing relevant and useful information to help your prospects and customers solve real issues.


So if it’s all about providing clients with information, how does it work to help you gain more clients?


Let us count the ways:


  • Customers are consumers, and as such they really don’t care about your product or service. That’s right. They don’t. Like everyone else, they are only interested in solving their own problems.
  • It’s about them, not you.
  • Content marketing shows you are a good listener, really hearing your customer’s problems.
  • And by actively hearing them, you can help them overcome obstacles and get what they need.
  • Along the way, you get to lead your target audience(s) through the customer purchase
  • How? By becoming the go-to expert in solving all kinds of industry-specific challenges. (While subtly positioning yourself as the go-to brand.)
  • Content marketing helps motivate your customers to trust your judgment and your business expertise by:
    • strengthening positive feelings about your brand, and
    • increasing your perceived value through your industry knowledge, which
    • heightens the likelihood of winning them over as new or better clients

So, if you are offering free expertise and guidance, aren’t you also educating and helping your competition?

Possibly, but then again, you are positioning yourself as a leader in the field. And providing answers to real problems. So instead of thinking of you exclusively as a brand, your customers (and competitors) see you as an expert with solid ideas.

You get to tell compelling stories that provide solutions. And that creates a loyal following.

What company wouldn’t want a loyal community of potential customers who look to them as leaders and trust what they say and do? Exactly!

Shall we see how we can tell your story insightfully and productively to position you as experts in your field?


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