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Is It Worth It to Hire a Digital Marketing Agency?

In today’s fast-paced digital world, the question, “Is it worth it to hire a digital marketing agency?” often comes up. Whether you’re a Marketing Director, Business Owner, or CEO, this decision can significantly impact your business’s growth and success. Let’s explore why partnering with a digital marketing agency might be the game-changer you need.

Expertise and Experience

Digital marketing agencies bring a wealth of expertise and experience to the table. With a team of professionals specializing in various aspects of digital marketing, from SEO and content creation to social media management and PPC campaigns, they offer a level of knowledge and skill that is hard to match internally.

Why waste time and resources on trial and error when you can leverage the proven strategies of experts?

Cost-Effective and Time-Saving

Many business leaders think hiring a digital marketing agency is expensive. However, consider the cost of recruiting, training, and maintaining an in-house team. Additionally, the time you save can be redirected toward core business activities.

Isn’t it smarter to invest in a team that can deliver results quickly and efficiently? Plus, hiring a digital marketing agency will cost about the same as hiring a single qualified employee and you have an entire team of professionals working for you rather and just one employee.

Access to Cutting-Edge Tools and Technologies

Digital marketing agencies have access to the latest tools and technologies. These resources enable them to execute strategies more effectively and provide insights through advanced analytics.

Wouldn’t it be beneficial to have access to technology that can give you a competitive edge?

Fresh Perspective and Innovation

An external agency provides a fresh perspective on your business. They bring innovative ideas and strategies that you might not have considered. This outside viewpoint can be invaluable in identifying opportunities and tackling challenges creatively.

Can you afford to miss out on fresh, innovative ideas that can propel your business forward?

Scalability and Flexibility

One of the significant advantages of hiring a digital marketing agency is scalability. Whether you want to ramp up your marketing efforts or scale down during slower periods, an agency can adjust its services to meet your needs.

Enhanced Focus on Your Core Business

By entrusting your digital marketing to experts, you free up valuable time and resources to focus on what you do best—running your business. This enhanced focus can lead to improved efficiency and growth.

Measurable Results

Digital marketing agencies are results-driven. They set clear goals and use key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure success. With regular reports and updates, you’ll always know the impact of your marketing efforts.


In the end, the decision to hire a digital marketing agency boils down to one question:

Do you want to elevate your business with expert-driven, innovative, and flexible marketing strategies?

If your answer is yes, partnering with a digital marketing agency is a worthwhile investment. With their expertise, cutting-edge tools, and fresh perspectives, they can transform your digital marketing efforts, drive growth, and help you achieve your business goals.

Ready to take the leap? Contact Focal Point Marketing today and discover how our unique approach and expertise can make a difference for your business. Together, let’s unlock your full potential and reach new heights in the digital landscape.

Brand Marketing Partnership

What to know about brand marketing partnerships

Brand marketing partnerships are starting to become more common between up-and-coming brands and media publishers or more established brands.

The more established brands get to look younger and trendier and the up-and-coming brands get good support from established brands with more marketing clout. It’s a win-win. Especially when a new kid on the block gets the benefit of the marketing savvy and deep pockets of an establishment brand.READ MORE

Branding - Indianapolis Marketing Agency

Watch Your Tone…

How to determine the voice of your company


A lot of businesses small and large have become known for their unique tone in communication, whether it’s through social media or their website content or something else altogether. For instance, Wendy’s has made a name for itself through its Twitter account, which is constantly active and usually features a humorous tweet about their own food or their biggest competitors. Wendy’s has done this so well that it has not only become their voice, but is now the expectation for all of their content. So how do you find your company’s voice? We can help – read on for some expert tips.READ MORE

Marketing can be Tricky

Four Common Marketing Mistakes that Your Business Can Avoid

Marketing can be tricky for businesses who aren’t familiar with the industry. In fact, marketing can be tricky for those who are familiar with the industry, because the concepts and trends in marketing are always evolving. However, in spite of the many changes you may find in your marketing journey, there are a few consistent mistakes that you will want to make sure your business avoids. Read on to learn more about four of the most common marketing mistakes:READ MORE

Social Media Landing Page

How To Craft A Social Media Landing Page That’s Actionable

Some social media landing pages are a visual treat. They grab your attention. Others stab your brain with powerful headlines.

Every day, something on social media is likely to capture your attention — for awhile. And that’s nice and all, but if you can’t remember what the brand or the offer was a few hours later – it didn’t do much to really compel you, did it?READ MORE


Empathetic marketing during the quarantine

When a cultural moment pivots as dramatically as it has in the last few months of the coronavirus pandemic, it’s imperative that your company reacts with tact and empathy – as you position your brand to help.

Needless to say, that’s going to require a lot of poise and nuanced communication. So how to begin? What should you do?READ MORE


The Purpose-Driven Brand

You can probably name a luxury brand. Tiffany comes to mind. Or an active brand, such as Nike or Patagonia. Or a traditional brand, such as General Motors. There are brands that own product names, such as Scotch (brand) tape or Band Aid bandages.



Updates In Logo Land

Have you noticed all the new logos recently? Logos are definitely evolving. They are getting less intricate, using very easy to read fonts, and any imagery or design is much simpler than earlier versions of the same logo.

Logo redesign isn’t new. Just about every organization revitalizes their logo every so often. But why – suddenly – are so many logos getting a make-over?

The answer is simple. Smaller screens.




Well, Fall is officially upon us and Winter is fast approaching. You know what this means – the holidays are quickly approaching as is the end of the year.  Yep, I said it; 2016 is coming to a close and 2017 will be here before we know it.  It seems like October is that magical month when businesses take a long hard look at what they’ve accomplished throughout the year, what they can wrap up in the last few months and begin planning for the new year.  So today I wanted to follow that up by sharing with you some of the questions that every business should be considering this year as it relates to a marketing strategy.



What Are Our Big Wins So Far This Year?

Think about the first 9 months.  What are the 3-4 big wins that stand out to you?  Maybe it’s a big deal that you closed or a social media marketing campaign that was very well received.  What did you accomplish that helped you or your business move closer to where you want to be?  Whatever it was, take a moment to think about why it was successful.  All too often, we get caught up in the day-to-day stuff and forget to take a step back to evaluate things.  And I’ve got news for you, if you don’t get this done in October there’s no way it’s happening in November or December.  We all know how crazy that time of the year can get, so take the time to search for those golden nuggets NOW and learn from them.

Where Did We Come Up Short?

No doubt, there will be some areas over your overall marketing plan or business strategy where you’ve fallen a bit short.  It’s much easier and more beneficial to identify those things now rather than at the end of the year.  Let me cover that again, think about and begin dealing with your shortcomings NOW rather than at the end of the year.  Sometimes we get too caught up in moving forward forward forward, that we forget to look back at things we might be able to easily fix now.  Maybe earlier in the year you were working on a website redesign and rushed things a bit when it came to the content development convincing yourself you’d come back to it later in the year.  Well, now’s that time.  Or perhaps you were thinking about getting some commercial photography work done for your new product line to update your online catalog, but just didn’t get around to it.   It’s important to identify these things now, and I will tell you why on my next point.

How Will You Make the Most of the Next 3 Months?

After taking a step back to look at your big wins and places where you fell short, think about how these things fit in with what’s left of your 2016 marketing plan.  What can you learn from these successes and setbacks so far to make the most of where you’re going next?  Your answers to these questions my change the plan moving forward.  Perhaps your original marketing budget didn’t have enough built in for social media marketing or hadn’t taken into consideration the benefits you might get from producing an online video to follow up with the one you rolled out in quarter 2 that was so successful.  While it’s always important to stay on budget, where you allocate that budget needs to always be open for review and discussion especially this late into the year.  And I’ll tell you one thing – doing things the same way you have always done them in the past is a recipe for getting left in the dust of your competition.  In other words, just because you spent X on a TV commercial or radio ad last year around the holidays and included that same budget this year doesn’t mean it’s in your best interest.

What’s The Plan for 2017?

Now that you’ve taken some time to look at the first 3/4 of the year and make sure you’re on the right track for the last quarter, it’s time to turn your attention to next year.  The good news is that by answering the first 3 questions, it will make building out your 2017 marketing strategy much easier.  Start by visualizing where you want your business to be at the beginning of the new year.  Let’s say the New Year starts off with a bang and everything is going great – what does that picture look like for your company?  Now, ask yourself that same thing about the end of the year next year.  Next it’s time to work backwards – what do you need to do to connect the dots from the most successful year beginning to the most successful year end?  Identify the mini-goals that need to be achieved along the way so you have nice, bite-sized chunks to tackle one at a time.  If you’re in the right business, answering these questions is sure to get you excited for new year.  After all, there’s no reason why it can’t be your best yet.

Answer These Questions NOW

I am going to wrap things up by echoing what I said earlier.  NOW is the time to answer these questions. I say this for 3 simple reasons:

1. It’s not too late to get back on track even if 2016 isn’t finishing the way you had hoped.

2. It’s never too early to start planning for the new year.

3. End of year/holiday craziness will soon ensue.

Need help with your strategic marketing plan?  Here’s how we can help.