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Blog with Sidebar

We're quite the bloggers

How Do I Blog You? Let Me Count The Ways…

Perhaps you blog for your business. Or post weekly to social media. Have you ever run out of ideas on what to post? Wonder what to say that’s new?


It’s something we social media folks all run into from time to time. So here are a few interesting ways to post material for your blog, Instagram, Twitter feed, or even email outreaches to customers that will not only keep them reading, but looking for more from you.



How Do Folks Respond To Your Marketing Efforts?

According to business guru Seth Godin, marketing efforts can be separated into two very different categories (https://seths.blog/2018/08/two-kinds-of-marketing/).


He divides marketing and advertising into those that inspire, delight and provide something we want – versus the kind that potential clients positively hate, such as interruptive popups, spam, high-pressure overtures, and overpriced hype.



Dare To Defy Convention

Who comes to mind when you think about marketing strategies that defied convention?


  • Steven Jobs with Apple
  • Certainly the Volkswagen print ads of the 60s
  • Old Spice “The man your man could smell like” TV commercials
  • Proctor & Gamble’s “Thank you, moms” Olympics video
  • Dos Equis “The world most interesting man” campaign
  • Dove’s print series for “Real beauty”