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2 Million Searches a Minute?

Forget global warming. We are already drowning in an alarming tsunami of…. data.

Big data is exponentially expanding. And it’s overwhelming all of us. To put this in perspective, Google receives more than two million requests for search each and every minute. Let that sink in a minute.


The Purpose-Driven Brand

You can probably name a luxury brand. Tiffany comes to mind. Or an active brand, such as Nike or Patagonia. Or a traditional brand, such as General Motors. There are brands that own product names, such as Scotch (brand) tape or Band Aid bandages.


Content Marketing

Making Corporate Blogs Sing

You blog to inspire interest in what your company does. Hopefully, it will open the door to more web traffic, and with any luck, new business.

That’s the thought for most companies, anyway. But why stop there, when there’s so much more your blog can (and should) do?